Honestly, term 2 has been one of the most epic terms in my life. For example, Retro Tech has been an awesome inquiry topic. We got to go on phenomenal trips, and learn about cool gizmos and gadgets of the 20th century. I'll show you some photos from term 2.
It all started of with the Anzac service at the start of term.
We also learnt lots about WW1 and what it was like in the trenches and how brutal it was. We learnt about different soldiers and their jobs and how tough it was how to be away from your family for so long. Also the mental damage the soldiers revived.
We also did some weeding and mulching at the Hamanatua stream.
It was really good just to get out there and help the native trees.
We saw how bad the underpass and Hamanatua stream had been looked after.
We learned lots of tricks on how to mulch the trees and look after them. We learnt to make a sort of "donut" of mulch around the trees. I found a new friend. Her name is "Flow" the Whau tree. We had an epic time at Hamanatua, and we hope to do it the next couple of terms.
Now, down to business. Retro Tech. I bet you've been itching to see what Retro Tech is.
Well, Retro Tech, um, is Retro Tech! So I'll break it down for you. Retro for example, is 1980s bold fashion. And tech, is like computers that stuff is tech.
Like is said, Term 2 has been one of the coolest terms ever!!!!!
See ya next time