Friday, 25 September 2020

Prep 2020!

 Hi. This term the Year 7 and 8's are doing something called prep. In prep, you have to make a product to sell at the end of year market day. All profits go towards the Saint Vincent De Paul charity. I am going to make Christmas tree decorations. Here is my reflection for week one.

What went well today for you and your team?  Think about your teamwork, and your group’s product idea. I am by myself but thinking of good ideas.What was difficult?  Why do you think that was?  I think it is difficult to Manage myself because I was working around my friends.    What is a new business term you learnt today? I learnt that advertising your products is key for any biusnesse to thrive                                                                                                                                       What do you need to work on in preparation for the PREP lessons next week? Not much because I have heaps of time..

I hope you enjoyed this as I haven't posted in a while.