Friday, 30 October 2020

Week 2 Term 4 Reflection (Part 2!)

 This Is part 2 of my reflection.

A thing that went well for me is my resource template, and I redesigned my logo so it was more simple and relevant to my product.

I think I should keep a more positive attitude so I can get more work done.

I learned 2 new business terms today one was about profits. The second one is making deals.

Friday, 23 October 2020

Week 2 Term 4 Reflection

 Kia Ora! Welcome back to my blog.

Today for prep I finished my recourse template. The recourse template is a template that you put down your resources, their cost, where to get them from, and what quantity of that resources

For my Christmas decorations Get a log and cut a star shape through it and then, slice them and glitter on the edges. I will do the cutting at home and the glitter and glue at school.

The sustainable part of my project is that the wood that I use should Sustain a good life.

Thank you for reading this post, Bye

Product Logo

Hi I'm back again for week 2 of prep. This week we made a logo for our product.

 Here's mine:

 I wanted it to be simple so I just put my product on it. 

About Me - Charlie W