Friday, 27 November 2020

Prep Week 9

Hello, welcome back to my blog. I am nearly finished with my prep project. On Wednesday, I did a little bit of work on painting my stars. I only need to sand the edges of them and then I am done. The paint that I used was oil paint for the silver and gold, and then normal for white.

Here the three horsemen of stars: Gold, Silver and White.
  1. Do you feel your team has worked well together? How so? 

I have worked well today, because I AGAIN changed my poster and sanded some the edges of my stars.

  1. What have you done to get over difficulties or challenges? 

When I have been faced with a challenge, I have nailed down to finish the task.

  1. How has your teacher helped you to become business prepared for market day? 

My teachers have given me constructive feedback and my dad helped me a TON for making the stars.

  1. List all the things you need to bring with you for market day next Friday.

A trestle table, my stars, a sign to tape onto the table, A chair (For when it is not busy) and an icecream tub to put the money that I take

Thank you for reading and I hope to see you next time.


Friday, 20 November 2020

Prep Week 7

 Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog.

I have done a bit of work at home for Prep by doing the first 3 cuts on my stars. At school today I changed my poster from Green Red and Gold to White, Silver, and Gold. Also, I made up a deal for 3 stars for 12$. Today I worked hard on sanding my first star so then when It comes to finishing the rest, I have a good template.

Here are my reflection questions:

  1. What went well today for you and your team?  Think about your teamwork and your group’s product idea. Today I put in a lot of work sanding the star to make sure it was the highest quality.

  1. What was difficult?  Why do you think that was?  I didn't find too many things difficult today because I was working really well.

  1. What are the three new business terms you learned today? I have not learned any new business terms today

  1. What do you need to work on in preparation for the PREP lessons next week? I need to make the last two cuts for the rest of my stars. And I might paint the first one to see how it looks.

Here is the star.
Thank you for reading my post

Friday, 13 November 2020

Week 6 of Prep

Welcome back to my blog.

Today I have made designs for my stars and made a poster to advertise them.I learnt how to use the printer from my computer to print a star and my poster.

Here it is!

And my star!

I think during 2nd block I got a bit off task so I really need try and stay on task next week. In 1st block I worked really well in making a design for my star. Miss Kirkpatrick helped me to tidy up the star in the afternoon. I also worked well when I was making my poster simple, informative, eye-catching and visually appealing.

Here are my reflection questions...

How do you think you have used your time today? I have managed my time all right, but I could improve my time management.

What has been your biggest achievement today? My biggest achievement today was making the design for my star and making my poster.

Name someone in your class (from another group) who you think is making a cool product. What is their product and why do you think it will sell. Cohen Liang is making chopping boards and I think they will sell well because they are very unique and different.

What do you need to do to make sure you will be on task for next week? Next week I will make an effort to think about my work and not other things.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Prep Week 5!

Hello! Welcome to this week's blog post.

Today for prep I have cut another star on the band saw and also I have carved some words into my originals. I haven't learn't any business terms today because I have been in the workshop all day. I learn't in the weekends about white sandpaper which instead of evening a surface makes it smooth. I brought some with me today to make my stars smooth. 

This has been a brief update about prep and see you next week.