Monday, 10 December 2018

Culture Club Finale!!!

Throughout term 4, Moana Learning Hub have been working on some special projects of- the Culture Club Finale!!!
This is Lani's and mine slideshow  

And here we are making pizza!

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Word Work Term 4!

Hello, today I'm going to tell you about word work in term 4. So, we start off by going to Kiwi Kids News  and pick an article like this:

next, we start a google doc or slide. Then, we get typing! I Like to add some writing about the article for some extra interest for the reader. The finished product should have a recall, plus, an activity  and the finished product look like this

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Quick write


 Her soft brown fur rustled in the wind. The howl of the wind echoed through the night sky. A cold winter storm is brewing in the forest. Animals are scavenging for the last traces of of fruit and berry's.
Rabbits are hiding, wolves are hunting and the snow is freezing. The big pine trees are covered in thick, heavy snow. Animals are struggling in the deep isolated forest. The bears are hibernating as the forest disappeared into the fierce blizzard. But still in the storm is the lone wolf's faint shadow. 4 Months later... the chirping of  birds fills the forest with joy as the animals start creeping out of their houses for spring. 

This is my quick write from Tuesday my teacher thought I should publish it because it was really good

Friday, 6 July 2018

Science Fair

Guess what? I FINALLY finished my science fair project! I did it with my friend Mason. I 'm pretty proud of my self and mason for getting it done and we got it done on the LAST NIGHT before it was due. The question is: 'What is the optimum P.S.I for the perfect shot'. Thank you for reading. ; ]

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Bullet ant files

This week for chapter chat I did an activity about bullet ants. I had to do a warning sign about them and some information on them. I think my work is really great and informative. It looks really cool as well.

     Here is some photos of my work.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Times Tables Diploma!

This is my times tables Diploma.I did it on a website called Times Tables. I tried really hard to do this and it took me a few tries. It is only my little diploma though. It Features My 1,2,3,4,5,10 times tables. We work on this website on Mondays and Tuesdays.  My next goal is to do my big diploma.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Matariki Retell

The 2 last weeks in my reading group- Huia reading group. We did some matariki work. We had to listen to some stories online about matariki and then, on a google slide we did a retell of matariki.
I am really proud of this work because I put in a lot of efort, it took me a long time to finish it.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Chapter chat spear

today in my latest blog post, I will be posting on one of my chapter chat activities and, this week we had to draw either a spear or a snake attacking the children and I choose a spear.It has a really sharp rock for the blade attached with lianas, feathers for the handles and in the bottom there is an arrow that can come out. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Survival of the fittest

 Hi guys,
Welcome to my latest blog post, last term, with Matua Stephen we did some science. But not any old science, we did something called Survival of the fittest, now, survival of the fittest is were you are not necessarily where you are fit with like, muscle you Fit your environment and fitting your environment is... say you live in the north pole, would you Fit your environment if you had a t-shirt or a snow jacket?, I reckon the snow jacket.We had some suggestions on the touch board with numbers beside them, then, we rolled a 10 sided dice to find out what our environment, what food we ate and if we had a problem. I got the Dessert,I ate stuff smaller than me and my problem was I COULDN'T SEE! I had to overcome my problem. I thought this was a challenge but you get to have cool features - I learnt about echolocation!

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Kawa Of Care

Hi everyone, today my blog post is going to be about something called kawa of care. Now, kawa of care is something that is about being cybersmart, cybersafe and looking after your device.All of Moana Learning Hub designed kawa of care poster.     
This is what mine looks like:

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Prove its for Maths

Hi, I have been working on this strategy this week.
WALT: solve multiplication questions using the strategy 'multiplication in parts'

Please watch the video below as I show you what I learnt.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

My Weekly Planner

Hi, Charlie here!

I'm going to show you how I plan my week by filling in my timetable.

  •  The Moana Learning Hub.
  • The Moana Learning hub is a Google site created by our teachers, Koka Ngaire and Matua Fergus, they sent it to all of us in the other Moana Learning Hub, and it's bookmarked at the top of our tab.  So when we want to use it we don't have to go to our email and find the link.The Hub also has the link to our time table

  • Filling In My Timetable.
  • So, firstly we get a link in our email to a google form that has boxes that we click, so for example, there will be a box that says 'Writing level 4 with Matua Fergus 9.30 Wednesday",so we click that.  Next we go onto our time table and put all our workshops the time slots and if your thinking what else we do there is a link on the Hub that is called "links to learning".  Links to Learning are activities that involve lots of practice with things we have been learning.  We do Basic Fact challenges, quick writes, read to self and work on maths.
  • I know what workshops to go to because I know my goals and levels in writing and maths. We have our own Reading groups that stay the same.

  • I feel interested and excited using my timetable because it is something new and it helps me be more in charge of my own learning. Goodbye and I hope you've enjoyed my blog today post have a rest of your week. 

Friday, 16 February 2018

Welcome to my blog

Hi my name is Charlie.W, I am 9 years of age and currently live Gisborne NZ .I have 1 dog his name is Albie. My parents own three shops,Two are called frank and Albie's and one is called the gisborne wine centre This is my first post in my new blog. I hope you've enjoyed it.

Each week i will be sharing a bit of my learning,please leave a comment or some feedback.I look forward to hearing from you.